Business search

  • Any plans to do location info such a businesses and their open hours?

  • That was actually the initial reason for making it a part of The code is all built, but right now we need to clarify some contradictory text in the contract with the data licensing company. Either way, we will absolutely have business search and reverse geocoding when that is finalized.

  • I was wondering about reverse geocoding, currently doesn't work, if I input any lat,lng the output is not accurate, doesimplementing it depends on the contract you're mentioning?

  • borisaguilar:

    I was wondering about reverse geocoding, currently doesn't work, if I input any lat,lng the output is not accurate, doesimplementing it depends on the contract you're mentioning?

    Hi Boris!

    We're currently negotiating a new contract for business data use in our API. Consequently, the reverse geocode feature isn't available as it would return only addresses. Our assumption is that most users would need Points of Interest (POI).

    If you do need nearby addresses for your use case though, do let us know, and we can add it to the priority list. We're currently working hard to add more POI services and live traffic navigation. Meanwhile, we hope our current services can help kickstart your projects. Don't hesitate to reach out with any issues or other feature requests.


  • For my specific use case, it would be usefull to have nearby adresses, even if they aren't POI,Thanks!

  • Got it, nearby addresses it is! We'll work on releasing a Beta of our reverse geocoding, but without the Business data, and will let you know when it's available. We really value your feedback.

    Don't hesitate to drop a line if you have any more thoughts or questions.

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